ProStructures Help

Input Options in Fields

Some additional functions are available in all fields where you can enter a length, distance, or coordinate. These commands, however, are not available for fields where you enter texts, angles, or general digits such as factors or scaling values.

You have access to these functions by calling the context menu with the right mouse key in the corresponding input field and then select the desired entry

Tip: The well-known Windows functions for input fields such as Copy and Paste are of course be at your disposal, too.

Additional Functions

Pick Length

If you select this function, the dialog is hidden and you can select a pair of data points in the drawing. The distance from one point to the other is calculated and the result is entered into the corresponding dialog field. Then, the dialog is displayed again.

Pick Length without Z

If you select this option, the z-coordinates are removed at distance calculation. Otherwise, this functions similar to Pick Length.

Pocket Calculator

A small pocket calculator is displayed when you use this option.

When selected, the calculator takes over the content of the current field and you can directly calculate with this value. When the calculation is finished and you want to copy the result into the current input field, click the Copy button.